502 after latest update today

Hello… did an n8n pull and now i’m getting 502 error trying lo load the web page…

Please help… i have some important stuff running on this server even though i have no experience…

Hey @xewonder,

How do you have n8n installed and do you see any errors in the log? It would be worth checking the version and if it is using the latest tag change to 0.221.2 or 0.220.1

Hi @Jon

I had the same issue in our Dev environment this morning. I have scripts that update to latest and i got the 502’s

When i start the containers manually with docker-compose up -d i get the following :-

⠦ n8n The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested

I have updated my docker-compose.yaml to get 0.221.2 and that works with no issues.

I am using the t4g (Graviton) instance family on AWS for hosting.


Hey @messi198310,

This is to be expected due to 0.222.0 being removed, It looks like the latest tag has kept part of it though. This will be resolved later today.

Thank you both…

I had to revert to a snapshot as i am really not that familiar…
@Jon are you saying that if I update later it will be OK? if so, please let me know when it is safe to do this. i have some accounting webhooks that can not mess up!

Thank you all again!

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