Add an option to provide the properties projectId or path_with_namespace

Current Behavior

A gitlab node expects the parameters “Project Owner” and “Project Name”

Expected Behavior

A gitlab node expects one of the parameter sets:

  • “Project Owner” and “Project Name”
  • “Project Id”
  • “Project With Namespace”

My use case:

A pipeline that adds a tag to a newly created issue.

  • Adding support for parameters like “Project Id” and/or “Project With Namespace” would be useful, as it would allow using the request body from the GitLab Webhook directly without any transformation.
  • In most cases, the response from the GitLab API regarding a project includes the properties project_id/id, and path_with_namespace.
  • Extracting the “Project Owner” and “Project Name” from the path_with_namespace property is currently necessary when creating a complex chain of GitLab API operations.
  • The terms “Project Owner” and “Project Name” can be confusing in GitLab. GitLab does not have a specific “Project Owner” concept, except for personal projects. A more appropriate term to use would be “Project Namespace”.

Any resources to support this?

Gitlab Issue Webhook Response Object

Gitlab Namespaces

Are you willing to work on this?


Example workflow