An easy step-by-step guide on how to self-host n8n

Hi @harshil1712 . Thank you for the guide above. I followed these steps and have however made a mistake with the timezone. Could you run through with me how I go about changing the time zone after I have used the steps you outlined above?

For the timezone add an environment variable for TZ and set it to the same value as your generic timezone (or other if needed) quickest option is popping the below into your environment options for the compose file


Hey @aziadlourad,

As @Jon mentioned you can specify the TZ variable as well. Just make sure to restart the container for this to take effect :slight_smile:


Hope this helps, to the part where you ask to host it yourself in your own machine, as I made it work was, first install nodejs on my system ( use version 18, after that open my terminal or cmd depends on your system it will work in any OS (mac, win or linux) and type the following commands:

npm install n8n -g

after installation you can start n8n with:

n8n start


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