API n8n issues


I have an issue with the API n8n, related to this topic

To use the API I have to set the API key AND a basic authorization header. Does anyone else got this problem too ? I currently use v 0.216.0 of n8n

Thanks for your help.

Hey @Kent1,

Why do you need to set a basic authorization header? Are you still using basic auth?

Hi @Jon ,

thanks for your quick reply.

Currently yes I still use basic authent to connect to the n8n GUI.

Hey @Kent1,

In that case you would need to use the HTTP Request node to do the same thing and build out a similar workflow, Are you using the n8n user management feature at all?

@Jon ,

Nope, I currently only have one user (admin) with which I create all the workflow.

I currently use the HTTP node to bypass the problem where I set the Authorization header AND the n8n api key header. But I was wondering if it was a bug that could be fix.

Hey @Kent1,

I am not sure that there is a bug there, I know our node doesn’t support the basic auth option which we could add for those still using it but the node is designed to worth with the API as documented. It is possible that you might be able to get around it by setting the URL to https://user:[email protected] but the best solution would be to move away from basic auth and over to the user management feature which works fine with only one user.


Thank I will update to use the user management.

Thank you for your help.

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