Building a custom node

I’m running into the same issue and I think it’s because I’m a noob on n8n. I have followed every step up until the npm run dev and was unable to see my new node.

The only things different from the tutorial was my class:

export class Onfleet implements INodeType {
  description: INodeTypeDescription = {
      displayName: 'Onfleet',
      name: 'onfleet',
      icon: 'file:onfleet.png',
      group: ['transform'],
      version: 1,
      description: 'Onfleet API',
      defaults: {
          name: 'Onfleet',
          color: '#AA81F3',
      inputs: ['main'],
      outputs: ['main'],
      credentials: [
      properties: [
          // Node properties which the user gets displayed and
          // can change on the node.

Here’s what the packages/nodes-base/package.json looks like:

Any ideas why I couldn’t find my node?