Can i run my domain like a normal website like a WordPress website in if i am running using docker?

Hey @jaisonkerala1, so far I am just making assumptions here. Purely based on your description I assume your Apache webserver is running on port 443 and that one of your docker containers is trying to use that port too, but I don’t know that for sure.

So in a first step you want to verify whether this is actually the case. You can check your docker-compose.yml file (which is the file that defines what happens when you run sudo docker-compose up -d) for lines saying ports:. This will list which ports your docker containers have in use.

What you want to do when running multiple services on the same machine is set up what is called a reverse proxy. This is a web server listening on common ports such as 80 and 443. It will then redirect traffic to other ports on which other services on your systems are listening on.

Edit: I saw your docker compose file just now. So yes, this pretty much seems to be what’s happening. Your docker compose file includes another web server that conflicts with your existing Apache server:

      - "80:80"
      - "443:443"

You probably want to get rid of traefik here and instead expose n8n’s port 5678. Your existing Apache webserver could then redirect traffic from it’s own port 80/443 to your n8n container listening on port 5678.

The big problem with this is I won’t be able to help with that. I have never used Apache as a reverse proxy. You might find some instructions for this on the internet and there are also a bunch of users who have done this before, for example here, but I can’t provide a good starting point unfortunately :frowning_face:.

So while this is technically possible, it might be easier to use a separate (virtual) server for your n8n instance (or consider a different server setup with which you are more familiar) if no one else can chip in here.