I am using my private microsoft account, with the working email, and azure subscription active
So this sounds like the likely problem here. Both the Azure app registration and the connection would need to come from the same organization I would think.
But i am using the same microsoft credentials for both systems
Might be worth contacting Microsoft support then. Unfortunately I don’t know what this error message means and won’t be able to help with this.
yes probably i will do it.
Thanks for helping, you are so detailed and fast.
i’ll need a similar flow so will probably need to dig into this again the coming weeks too. Thanks for the tips and screenshots. 2 years ago i manually did this using Javascript on Nodered dev platform. I few gotcha’s i remember. 1. you cannot use your personal AAD user account if your org has 2FA enabled. The n8n service will not be able to pickup the phone or answer the auth app . 2. App registrations give you an access token but that expires in one hour (or similar). So you need to refresh to keep access. If you use an SDK the refresh may be automatic. My 2 cents for now. greetings William @Gabriele_Bracciali
Hello William, thanks for your help!