Count occurrences of each item in JSON

Hey all, based on the example data from the original post my suggestion would look like so:

The example code I am using first extracts all unique values in the Audience and Status fields.

It then creates a response object for each audience and then adds a field for each status. The value of this field will be a count of how many occurrences there are matching both audience and status:

const unique_audiences = [ Set( => item.json.Audience))];
const unique_statuses = [ Set( => item.json.Status))];

let results = [];

unique_audiences.forEach(audience => {
  let result = {
    json: {
      audience: audience
  unique_statuses.forEach(status => {
    result.json[status] = items.filter(item => item.json.Audience == audience && item.json.Status == status).length;

return results;

This leaves you with a result like this:

Is this what you had in mind @fischera?