Debian Docker image only allows /data folder

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I guys, I’ve build a debian docker image from n8n and l created a workflow that contains a execution node for calling a python script.
I am trying to use the absolute path to execute the script but looks like i can only execute stuff that is inside /data inside the docker container.

How can I make my host path available?

This is the docker run command

mkdir .n8n
docker run -d \
        -it \
        --name n8n  \
        -p 5678:5678 \
        -v ~/.n8n:/root/.n8n \
        --restart always \
        n8nio/n8n:latest-debian \
        n8n start --tunnel

Hey @BrunoTeixeira1996,

Does the script you are running exist in the container or is it on the host machine? If it is on the host machine you would need to set another volume to make it available so if you were to add -v ~/my-scripts:/my-scripts it would map a local folder called my-scripts in your users home directory to a folder in the container located at /my-scripts.

You could use whatever folders you wanted to as long as it doesn’t conflict with any OS options, You could also copy your scripts into your ~/.n8n folder and in the container they would be available under /root/.n8n/.