Email node Move action

Can you please add a Move action on the IMAP node, so that email message can be moved between Mailboxes. Thanks in advance!

I created an n8n community node, n8n-nodes-imap, which is now available for use. Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect from this node:


Mailbox Operations:

  • Get List of Mailboxes: This function allows you to retrieve a list of all your mailboxes, complete with essential status information like message count.
  • Get Status of a Mailbox: Gain detailed insights into the status of any mailbox, including the total number of messages and other pertinent details.
  • Create a Mailbox: You can now set up new mailboxes directly within your workflow.
  • Rename a Mailbox: Adjust the names of your mailboxes as required.
  • Delete a Mailbox: To prevent accidental data loss, this feature is currently disabled, as I haven’t identified a significant use case in standard workflows.

Email Operations:

  • Get List of Emails in a Mailbox
  • Download Attachments from an Email
  • Move an Email to Another Mailbox

I encourage you to test this node and share your experiences or suggestions.

Github repo: GitHub - umanamente/n8n-nodes-imap

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