FTP Server cant connect, command unknown

If your server uses FTPS this could indeed be a problem as it’s not supported by n8n I am afraid (see for example FTP over TLS planned or workaround known? - #5 by RicardoE105).

Though since you’ve mentioned FTP without TLS should also work (or in other words plain/insecure FTP), I am a bit puzzled what’s the issue here. The TLS version shouldn’t matter in this case. I have also tried running Pure-ftpd (which seems to power your server) myself. This was working fine with n8n, so I could not reproduce this even when running the same FTP server.

Would you be able to confirm which provider is hosting your FTP server? That might help with reproducing what might be happening here.

Also, could you double-check your server actually works without TLS? The Filezilla log you have shared suggests it’s being used. This would need to be set in the Encryption field: