Has n8n priced itself out of gaining mindshare and real traction and growth in the exploding nocode and lowcode market?

Thanks Jan. Sorry to hear about the technicalities limiting scalable multi-tenancy and being locked in that payment provider.

I was curious about your multi tenant hurdle and wondered if the limitation comes from not being able to securely isolate lightweight Docker instances per VM?

Have you heard about Google’s attempt to make it easy to securely orchestrate sandboxed Docker containers to build multi-tenant clouds using a product called gVisor?

If gVisor seems too cutting edge perhaps Canonical’s LXD, which runs both full system containers and VMs, might do the trick:

LXD containers are secure by default, like a VM.

Canonical also has Juju to make it easier to manage Kubernetes and multi-tenant SaaS:

I found this interesting thread discussing features and plans and it added some background for me:

I discovered today that the Dgraph founder and team left the VC funded project about six months ago due to running out of funding and not being able to secure more. Dgraph is a GraphQL native graph database much loved by its users. The founder writes about the project and sustainable open source: