Hi, is there option to save workflow as node?

Is there an option to save the workflow as a node? so I can reuse him in other workflows?
and if so, if I change something in the original workflow is that affect other workflows that are used my workflow?

Something like that is planned in the future but does not exist yet. For now you can do something similar by using the Execute Workflow node.

Thanks, can I see visually the inner workflow running?

No that is not possible.

Thanks, if I run python script in my workflow can I see the cmd window so I can see all the things that my file(phyton) did?

Yes, after the execution did finish you can see the output of the script when you open the node.

I don’t mean the result, that I know I can get, I mean if I can see all the commands my python executes live? i mean during the execution

Then no, that is not possible.