How can I change my domain name

I need to change my domain name that n8n uses as it expires in the coming days and I just purchased a new one. How can I change to the new domain?

Hey @aero,

It should just be a case of updating your config file to use the new domain, if you are using any oauth services you would need to update the redirect Uris as needed.


Hello @Jon

I am very new to n8n, docker, console, etc. I installed n8n on Digital Ocean, but I don’t know how to change the config file to change the domain and also to add the SMTP config for User Managment: User management | n8n Docs

I know you have to use this commands, but I don’t know if you have to make somethin before and after or what is supposed to happen:

docker run -it --rm \
 --name n8n \
 -p 5678:5678 \
 -e N8N_BASIC_AUTH_ACTIVE="true" \
 -e N8N_BASIC_AUTH_USER="<user>" \
 -e N8N_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD="<password>" \

Thank you.

Hey @illusionandcards,

You would need to add the environment options to the command you have there so it would end up being something like…

docker run -it --rm \
 --name n8n \
 -p 5678:5678 \
 -e N8N_EMAIL_MODE=smtp \
 -e \
 -e [email protected] \
 -e N8N_SMTP_PASS=SomePassword \
 -e [email protected] \
 -e WEBHOOK_URL=https://n8n.yourdomain.tld \
 -v ~/.n8n:/home/node/.n8n \
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Thanks @Jon

I run the command, but I got this error:

What am I doing wrong?

I followed this documentation for the installation on Digital Ocean: Digital Ocean | n8n Docs

I took a snapshot of the droplet and created a new one on a new droplet to test this before doing it in the active installation. That is why I need to change the domain also, because now it’s not working:

Also, how can I check if the configuration worked? How can I access the config file?

Hey @illusionandcards,

That error is the server telling you something is already on port 5678 so you would need to stop the instance of n8n you are currently running.

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