How to pass value from one dropdown to another

Hi @marcus
We have created a custom node with 2 parameters( RPA, RPA Instance).

In the first dropdown I am querying the db and getting values of RPA.

Now after selecting the value in the first dropdown, I need to pass the value into the query and to fetch the data from different table and get the output for second dropdown.
In the following screenshot you can find properties of two dropdowns

In the following screenshot you can find the first function inside the method for first dropdown(RPA)

In the following screenshot you can find the second function inside the method for second dropdown(RPA Instance)

So we need to pass the select value from first dropdown into this query and display the result depends of query value in second dropdown.


Hi @abhilash

I have the same thing happening:

You can simply ask for the parameter and it will give you what the user has chosen.
This can be used of course in your where statement.
In the parameter you can set it to depend on that field:

So in this case we need an appId before we can getTables to choose from.