How to turn off pin for large amount of data?

Describe the issue/error/question

Hello! I have an issue with pinning large amount of data (5+ MB). I can’t remove pin as my browser can’t load the node page and I have a lot of Page Unresponsive alerts from it.


It would be great if I can somehow turn of all pins from the workflow (via GUI or API) without loading the pinned data.

Information on your n8n setup

  • n8n version: 0.195.5

Hey @barn4k,

That is an interesting one, The only thing I can think of at the moment would be to use the CLI to export the workflow then remove the pinned data and then import the workflow again.

I will give this one a test shortly as it shouldn’t crash the browser so that is something we should fix. Does it fail on load?

Hi @Jon

It fails on loading the node details. If I want to execute the workflow/node - everything is fine. But if I want to remove the pin I get the page Unresponsive or Out of memory alert from browser (I’ve tested it in Chrome 105.0.5195.127 x64 and Egde 105.0.1343.53 x64)

The simplest solution was to remove the node completely and re-create it again :slight_smile:

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hey mate, try Firefox, there’s looking like there is some memory issues with Chrome, FF seems to be a bit more stable