Impossible to get started

Hello, this is the first time I’ve tried to sign up for n8n and it’s impossible for me to get started. I fill in the details on the “Start automation today” page and when I click the “Try for free” button nothing happens and I don’t receive any email.

Later, thinking that the account may have been created, I try to log in and when I enter the n8n account name and click “sign in” I get the message “No workspace here (404)
Your workspace was taken offline. This usually happens when a trial or subscription has ended. Are you a workspace owner? Open Admin Panel”

Then in the admin panel I enter my email and click send magic link but I get the error "“There was an issue requesting the magic link. Please contact support.”

Why can’t I sign up? Can someone help me please?

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

n8n version: i dont know
Database (default: SQLite): default: SQLite, i guess
n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main): i dont know
Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app): via web
Operating system: Windows 11

Hola Franma12234545 tengo el mismo problema intento crear una simple cuenta y no puedo. No sale ningún tipo de mensaje de error.

Hi jucasessdi123_jucase. I tried it for the first time 30 minutes ago and when I press the “try for free” button after entering my data, nothing happens.

Let’s see if someone from n8n can help us, I don’t know what the problem is

translated into Spanish:

Hola jucasessdi123_jucase. Lo he intentado por primera vez hace 30 minutos y al pulsar el botón de “try for free” después de introducir mis datos, no sucede nada.

a ver si alguien de n8n nos ayuda, no sé cuál es el problema

There is currently an issue with signups that we are looking into. We should have more info soon.


Ok. Thanks for your work and quick response.

Hey @Franma12234545 , could you try again, please?

This issue has been fixed.

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Hi, it works now. Thank you very much for this help!

It seems this issue is back. I just tried signing up and I am going through exact same, noting happens. Please could you help?

Hi @Manjula_Bandara,

I just tried and signup is working okay. Can you try again please? If that doesn’t work, try a private browser window to ensure it’s not your cache or installed browser extensions causing problems.

Thank you for the quick response @bartv. Private window worked perfectly at once.
Super Happy.

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Glad to hear it! :sweat_smile:

Hi Bart, I am having the same issue. Am trying to sign-up, when i click the button after filling in my details, nothing happens

Hi all,

Ive just tried signing up for a Free User Starter Account and it doesn’t get past the signup screen. Nothing happens when I press the Try For Free Button.

Any help would be appreciated


Thanks for letting us know! We’re not aware of any issues, and signup seems to work fine at this time. We’ll keep monitoring this.