Is there a way to import the pydub package into N8N?

Hi @itsalanlee, n8n’s Python implementation only supports packages compatible with Pyodide as documented here I am afraid. pydub is unfortunately not on the list.

You could, however, use Python (or FFmpeg’s binaries) through the Execute Command node. Seeing you’re using docker you’d need to build a custom image for these tools to be available, but it’s not too much work.

Your Dockerfile could look like so (this will install python3, ffmpeg, curl and a few example Python packages using pip):

# Use the original n8n image as the basis
FROM n8nio/n8n:ai-beta

# Install additional packages as needed
USER root
RUN apk add --update --no-cache python3 curl ffmpeg
RUN python3 -m ensurepip
RUN pip3 install --no-cache --upgrade pip setuptools speedtest-cli 
USER node

Assuming you’re also using docker-compose, you’d also need to specify the build action in your docker-compose.yml file. If both Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml live in the same directory, the docker-compose.yml file itself can as simple as this:

    build: .
    restart: unless-stopped
      - 5678:5678
      - ./data:/home/node/.n8n

Finally, build n8n using docker pull n8nio/n8n:ai-beta && docker compose build and start it using docker compose up --detach.

Afterwards you can use ffmpeg or python (or any other package you might install of course) right through the Execute Command node in n8n:

Hope this helps!