Is this workflow possible

Hey, new to n8n and before I’m investing a bunch of time on the platform I’d like to know if my workflow, currently runing on Zapier (which is pretty costly for me) , is possible to recreate on n8n for free, assuming I want to host it on an office computer running windows 10.

The workflow: Sorting invoices from my inbox by looking for key words in the subject field and for PDF files attached (I need only the pdfs to pass through if there are a few attachments), while also ignoring a few email addresses I’ll provide. Then I’d like to format their names according to a few gmail parameters such as sender name and current date, then uploading it to a Google drive folder created automatically at the beginning of each month, then summing all the information up in Google sheets, and finally send an email with a sharing link to this month’s folder at the end of each month.

Here’s my current process on zapier:

Workflow 1: New email with attachments>Is the word invoice etc exist in the title?> sorts through every single attachment and check if mime type is PDF, then format their names>find the correct g. Drive folder for this month and upload>put a link to preview, sender name, email and execution time etc in G.Sheet.

Workflow 2: At midnight at the start of each month, get the date, format it to yyyy/mm>make a new folder with this name in> Also format current date to YYYY/MM minus one month (for finding last month folder)>find last month’s folder> Send email with share link and pre made wording: “ Hey, here are the invoices for YYYY/MM-1: LINK. “

Is it something I can accomplish for free with n8n? Thanks in advance!

Hey @Yishai_Zohar,
welcome to the community :grinning:

Your gmail to google drive scenario should be possible. You can checkout our n8n workflows page and filter those using our Gmail Node and/or our Google Drive Node. It’s a great ressource where we collect community scenarios of all kinds. There you’ll find workflows like:

You can use n8n for free for your internal automation workflows. Executions are unlimited. You do not need to worry about our embed license.

To get up and running your personal n8n instance you can: