Jenkins and Nexus sonar integration

Anyone know if there are any plans to have an integration for Jenkins and Nexus Repository? n8n seems to have potential to accelerate DevSecOps.

Welcome to the community.

Can you please tell us what functionality you would require exactly? To be sure that if this node gets created, it does already what you need it to do.

Also, can you create a separate post for nexus or vise-versa so that people can vote for each node independently?

Hey @regicsolutions!

I’ve started to work on the Jenkins node implementation. It’s quite a powerful tool with complex API. I’d like to echo @RicardoE105’s request to elaborate. What kind of operations do you think are essential to initial implementation?

That’s great to hear @elvina my thinking was to integrate n8n with Backstage which is a open source platform for building developer platforms and having a n8n backstage action that basically initiates a n8n flow. backstage actions are very similar to GitHub actions - Writing Custom Actions · Backstage Software Catalog and Developer Platform

I started the discussion on this topic here:

You can spin up a backstage app in minutes if you wanted to check it out: Create an App · Backstage Software Catalog and Developer Platform

But from a Jenkins perspective, some of the initial use cases I was thinking of was creating different job types such as GitHub Org/Bitbucket Teams type jobs, multi-branch pipeline applying the proper permissions, configure the Jira plugin to that job, ect…

Welcome to the community @elvina

I think the trigger is very important also since you can do stuff when a job finishes running.

Jenkins node got released with [email protected]

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