Keep track of new stock market IPOs

I’ve created my first workflow that allows a person to watch new stock market IPOs for certain keywords and track companies as they move through the IPO process.

Goal: Make it easy to know the approximate date when a company will be tradeable on public markets

This workflow:

  1. Pulls data from the NASDAQ API
  2. Allows you to filter the data based on certain keywords (e.g. company names, ticker symbols, etc.)
  3. Tracks specific IPOs as they move through the process (i.e. filed → upcoming → priced)
  4. Sends an email notification if the status changes (e.g. new IPO appears or IPO status changes)

Before I share this on, I would appreciate it if the experts here could review my work. I think I caught all the bugs, but would love some feedback/suggestions :slight_smile: , especially around:

  • Areas where I can do things more simply
  • Better ways to write/package parts of the workflow to make it more “reusable” for users of
  • Any unintended bugs that I missed (they probably exist :smiley: )

Here is the workflow:


  • By default, the workflow runs every 3 hours
  • The Filter symbols node is where you should enter text pertaining to the specific IPOs you wish to track. This will filter the NASDAQ API respond to only the IPOs you’re trying to track.
  • This workflow writes data to a folder called binary-data in the n8n root and stores IPO data here, allowing you to track changes across executions of the workflow. I believe you will need to manually create this folder because n8n can’t do this (unsure?).
  • I removed my email addresses from the send email nodes. You will have to set up credentials and edit those nodes. (If you don’t want to set these credentials up during testing, you can just delete the send mail nodes and replace them with noop).
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Nice workflow @malasane

Probably another good way to notify new ipos is by Telegram message :slight_smile:

That’s a great suggestion! I don’t use Telegram, but it would work well for people who do.

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