Klicktipp integration

I’d like to get data and syc it to klicktipp. This is more used in Europe as substitute for Mailchimp and/or Mautic. It has a api that we already use to get new registred users to Mailinglist.

Can you please tell us what functionality you would require exactly? Just to be sure that if this node gets created it does already what you need it to do.

Thanks for your interest ricardo,

the most important thing would be:

  • create a new Subscriber with fixed tags in klicktipp
  • delete all Subsciptions when user marked as “don’t wand to recieve any mails any more”
  • check the robinson-List against the subscriber-list every day (https://ecg.rtr.at/dev/doc)
  • export subscribers in spreadsheet with tags

the daily needed enhanced cases are:

  • Update contact Information in ERP (or in spreadsheet) if changed in klicktipp
  • Mark user as unsubscibed in ERP (or in spreadsheet) if changed in klicktipp
  • Put a list of availible Tags as List somewhere
  • Update Tags of contact when changed in ERP or klicktipp