Make updates on a third party server

Hey there!

I try to build an automation to udpdate my self hosted n8n instance.

My problem’s that when I try to register new credentials to access my VPS via SSH, the password is automatically changed by my n8n api key.
To explain: I type my VPS’ password in the password field of the SSH credential editor, I save it and as soon as I leave the credential editor and open it back, the password is automatically replaced by my n8n API Key.
Do you know where this problem would come from?

  • V 0.217.2
  • DB: Default
  • Running n8n via Docker

Hey @Anthony_CAVALIER,

I have never seen that happen before, The password field shouldn’t show you the password again once entered and saved so to check when you say it is showing the n8n api key is it showing the key or something like this?

If it does look like that can you change it from an expression then enter the password again and save it.

Hey @Jon !

Thanks for your quick answer!

You’re right, I confused it with my API Key!

So you mean that it’s a kind of security for not showing the password after saving it?

Can also you confirm that it’s possible to use a VPS CLI thanks to the SSH node?

Lots of thanks in advance!

Hey @Anthony_CAVALIER,

Yeah so we don’t load the password in the front end once entered so if you change it to an expression and save it you will lose it and it won’t work :slight_smile:

With the SSH node you can run commands on a session but it is important to note that we create a non-interactive session which on some flavours means that the user profile won’t be sourced so you might need to use the full path to the cli.

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