Microsoft Excel - Append (Local File)

i would love to have the feature to append data to a local excel file as stated in the title
In the way Google Sheets Append function works

What do you mean exactly with local?

I think he is talking about the “Spreadsheet File” node.

Yes exactly


I have a workflow where I’m getting data by paginated HTTP requests and outputting them to CSV files. I was searching for how to append to local files when I found this post. I also think it would be useful so that I don’t need to end up with 293 csv files each with 10 rows in :smiley:

+1 vote from me. Thank you!


I would be also interested in the possibility to append data to an existing CSV file.
Otherwise I can pass through a database and then recreate the CSV file, but it is far more complicated than just add data to an existing file.

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