Microsoft Form Recognizer Business Card - HTTP Request configuraiton

I was trying a similar approach for the [azure form recognizer] (Microsoft Cognitive Services), but it does not work. Have passed the region as well.


“error”:{“code”:“401”,“message”:“Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource.”}}

I checked the same configuration. It works well on Azure test bed.

Hey @Yuvaraj_Selvaraj,

Microsoft is telling you that the access is denied because of the subscription or API Endpoint, Have you made sure that your subscription is active and is allowed to use the live environment?

Sadly we have no control over that side so it may be worth speaking to someone at Microsoft to see if they can tell you what is going wrong with your account.

Thanks, @Jon. I did check that with API Playground provided in the Azure platform.

Problem is when we create an endpoint HTTP request.

This is the same configuration that @Mutedjam suggested as well.


Hey @Yuvaraj_Selvaraj,

If your request is correct and you are sure that is fine then it will be the other part that the error message mentions and the issue will be with your subscription.

Access denied due to invalid subscription key or wrong API endpoint. Make sure to provide a valid key for an active subscription and use a correct regional API endpoint for your resource.

You may need to speak to Microsoft to get this resolved.

@Jon Thanks for your response.

Microsoft API playground and postman retrieved successful results. I feel that we are missing parameters in the configuration.

This is the configuration document. I am using the Analyse document API

Hey @Yuvaraj_Selvaraj,

When you used postman was it with the live environment as well?

If Postman is working on the same environment and not a test bed then it will be the configuration but you have checked that a few times so I am a bit lost.

Have you tried sending the request to or similar to compare what is being sent?

Thanks @Jon. Just want to close loop on this thread. Below mentioned config works


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