Multiple call twitter node according to results set

Oh no :frowning_face:, I am really sorry to hear that. If Twitter doesn’t grant you elevated access, it’s unfortunately not possible to use their API v1.1 endpoints used by the Twitter node.

That means until we have developed a node using Twitter’s v2 API you would have to use the HTTP Request node to talk to this Twitter API directly. A simple example workflow fetching Tweets would be available here. Other endpoints are listed in their docs, e.g. this one for posting Tweets.

The credentials I’ve used to authenticate with Twitter here are OAuth1 credentials with the following values:

Authorization URL:
Access Token URL:
Request Token URL:
Consumer Key: The API Key shown in Twitter’s developer portal
Consumer Secret: The API Key Secret shown in Twitter’s developer portal
Signature Method: HMAC-SHA1

Let me know if you run into any trouble with this!

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