Multiple n8n Webhooks in TheHive

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My issue is that I want to set multiple n8n Webhooks in my TheHive instance.
I’m using this syntax in the TH’s application.conf file, that is supposed to work :

# Configure webhooks
notification.webhook.endpoints = [
    name: local
    url: "http://n8n:5678/webhook/<id>/webhook"
    version: 0
    wsConfig: {}
    auth: {type:"none"}
    includedTheHiveOrganisations: ["*"]
    excludedTheHiveOrganisations: []
    name: local2
    url: "http://n8n:5678/webhook/<id>/webhook"
    version: 0
    wsConfig: {}
    auth: {type:"none"}
    includedTheHiveOrganisations: ["*"]
    excludedTheHiveOrganisations: []

However, for now, only the workflow corresponding to the first webhook works. When I swap, the behaviour is the same : only the first works.
Isn’t it possible to trigger 2 workflows for the same TheHive event ?

This sounds more like a Hive question than an n8n question — have you tried asking on their Discord channel?

You might want to try setting a webhook URL to one from to rule out anything on the n8n end though.

Thank you for this very useful website.

It indeed looks like it’s a TheHive problem, while I’ve asked them already and they told me it was possible…
Can you just confirme me that 2 n8n workflows can run on a same event coming a same source, if 2 webhooks are configured ?

Thanks !

It was indeed a TheHive problem, and n8n totally handles when a same event triggers multiple workflows.

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