MyVideoDownloaderBot: created only with n8n

Hi people,

I usually create bots with Telegram.

Due to the capabilities of n8n, it’s possible to create advanced features like:

  • Add a signup process to use the free tier with external services (using Typebot).
  • Use a video downloader/convertor per every requested video URL (using the tool jy-dlp).
  • Add extra features using a subscription (like forwarding downloaded videos to channels or webhooks to automate download/upload to your Dropbox account ;).

I share some screenshots to understand what you can get with this bot:

Welcome page

Welcome page, the goal of the bot, and existing commands (some of them restricted by a subscription)

New video requested

I have requested the n8n node-athon ceremony. Nice work @jan and @rdt :wink:
Bot downloads the video using yt-dlp tool. This tool is incredible. It downloads one video hour in one minute!!!
Be gentle and patient with the bot. It does the hard work for you :stuck_out_tongue:

New video delivered

Uploaded is complete to s3.
Download URL is only 24 hours valid. Video is erased automatically after this period.

Task is only done with n8n.

Test it by yourself

Please, feel free to test this bot at Telegram: Contact @MyVideoDownloaderBot
It’s free (only one email signup is required) and you can download as many videos as you want :open_mouth:

n8n task
If you are curious, this is the task done in n8n (a huge one :P)

Automate with no limits. Automate with n8n.


very nice!

ps. You should watch that downloaded video. Jan couldn’t make it and wasn’t there :wink:

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Thank you :ok_hand:

Spoiler alert!!! :frowning:

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Do not believed the winners weren’t already spoiled for ya. :wink:

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Thanks Miquel!

I’m curious — what version of n8n is that screenshot from?

Very very oooold version: 0.107.0 :wink:

I need to migrate everything. But I have no time (500 tasks there, more than 250 active) :frowning:

Man, its super can you tell me how do you process the http request, becaz i get rejected from log

I extract the url by regex.

Later, video downloading is done by yt-dlp, a package installed in my n8n docker.

By the way, I migrated the downloading process to nodejs. It’s faster than n8n.

Communication of requests is using rabbitmq service.

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if you don’t mind this is my mail id can explain me how the whole thing working “[email protected]

That’s cool!

Is the N8N workflow published?

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Wow. That’s a beautiful automation! <3



And Bot is currently offline because I want to migrate it outside of n8n for scaling purposes.