N8n API - Post /credentials with Oauth2 data schema

Hi @MutedJam , thanks, glad to find out about your great product!

For a bit more context, we are trying to create an Oauth2 connection with the endpoint POST /connections.
The goal is that each client has a different connection, so for each new client using our workflow we will create a new connection with this API endpoint (and then following one of these guides Programatically passing credentials into a Workflow).

For more context, here is the curl:

curl --location --request POST 'http://host:port/api/v1/credentials' \
--header 'X-N8N-API-KEY: api_key_n8n' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
  "name": "Oauth API test",
  "type": "oAuth2Api",
  "data": {
    "grantType": "authorizationCode",
    "authUrl": "https://url.com/authorize",
    "accessTokenUrl": "https://url.com/oauth/token",
    "clientId": "12345",
    "clientSecret": "12345abcd",
    "scope": "offline_access scope:write:admin",
    "authQueryParameters": "",

And the response:
"message": "request.body.data does not match allOf schema [subschema 0] with 1 error[s]:,request.body.data is not exactly one from [subschema 0],[subschema 1],[subschema 2]"

Hope this makes it clear.
