Describe the problem/error/question
I can’t parse the nested list to use each item as input for another module.
I have a module that generates a variety of things, including a checklist for tasks. The number of tasks will depend on the initial task, so it will always be a different amount. Each time I create such a checklist, I would like to get each item and use it for the Trello add checklist item module.
I find the problem with proper parsing tasks, and getting the LoopOverItems loop amount depended on the amount of tasks.
And this is how the data I want to use looks like:
"Przygotowanie danych: zbierz podstawowe informacje o działaniach podjętych w minionym tygodniu.",
"30 minut"
"Przeanalizuj osiągnięcia, napotkane trudności oraz obszary wymagające poprawy.",
"20 minut"
"Opracuj wnioski i propozycje działań do wdrożenia w nadchodzącym tygodniu.",
"30 minut"
Desired output is that each
Each task (opis) and each time (szacowany_czas), will be inputed into the Trello add checklist item module seperately.
Information on your n8n setup
- n8n version: 1.75.2
- Database (default: SQLite):
- n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
- Running n8n via n8n cloud
- Operating system: windows