"n8n import:workflow --separate" does not import all .json files

Hi @one_juru, thanks so much for sharing your details. I’ve just checked the bug ticket we have created for this issue, but it seems this is still awaiting prioritization I am afraid. Perhaps @sirdavidoff can confirm when this functionality will be looked at?

As a workaround, you could consider transferring your database tables instead of using the CLI. I did this once years ago (before I joined n8n and before the import/export CLI command existed) and have described the steps taken over here. They are most likely no longer be 100% accurate after all this time but might still provide a starting point.

As for the Gmail node causing trouble in more recent versions of n8n perhaps you can share an example workflow using which this can be reproduced in a new forum topic? I just tried using the expression you have described but got the expected message:



