Last thing I was doing was installing Zep for memory and getting the load balancers set up in digital ocean, which it was my first time doing that, so I might have messed that up
I see that you have an n8n listening the port 5678, but you have configured the forwarding rules to points to the port 80, that is listened by the caddy (dunno what it is). How that supposed to work?
you can run the curl command from the server, where you entered the docker ps or docker logs command (it is the docker host)
That output means that the n8n is working fine. The issue is only with port mapping or that caddy application.
As currently the schema looks like this:
You are going to the DNS name on port 443, then the balancer redirects you on port 80, that is listening by the caddy. N8n is listening only the port 5678 that is not used by the balancer and thus it won’t be accessible to you. You can change the mapping from 443 > 80 to 443 > 5678 and then the n8n should be accessible.
Probably yes. When you changed the DNS name, have you also changed the SSL certificate?
You could see some errors if you press the f12 and look into the Network tab.
Yes. The credentials page for some reason hasn’t been loaded. That’s why you didn’t see workflows. You can click on the failed page to see the details, but I assume the issue is with the certificate, as such a page usually requires the browser to set a special cookie, which usually can’t be set when the SSL is not working properly