N8n reading google sheets formulae


I am created a workflow which reads a google sheet, and it is taking AGES to execute, if at all - do you think that could be because the sheet is all either vlookups or importranges?

Hey @Sarah_Strickland,

Can you please share which version of n8n you’re using? Also, it would be helpful if you can share how are you using n8n - self-hosted or n8n.cloud?

Do you experience the same behaviour when you try other nodes, or when you run the Google Sheets node without the vlookups or import ranges?

Hey @harshil1712

Thank you for your response.

Running cloud version [email protected] - experiencing the same thing with all nodes in the workflow at the moment actually.

Thanks for sharing the information! Can you DM me your email address and username? I’ll ask the team to take a look at your instance :slight_smile:

For anyone facing the same issue, update n8n to the recent version, or restart your instance.

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