I need an explanation for the mechanism of connected nodes:
the flow:
I need to join the two outputs from the HTTP node “upload” and Edit field node “static text” to be able to use them from just “one” JSON structure I try two combined nodes (Merge and Aggregate) and then used Edit Field node but all the three not solve the problem.
The below image is from node next to the Merge node ( as we know Merge is now linked to two nodes) but when I try to use the output from Merge it only accepts one value from just one node!
Line 1 - Green: from Merge from the Static Node
Line 2 - Red: from Merge from Upload Node
Line 3 - Green: From the Upload node directly
which node and how to use it to be a single source of inputs ( collect all outputs from all nodes and provide just 1 single output)
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