Node Request Moco

We use Moco as our agency software solution and clickup as our task manager.
we would love to send a trigger of time tracked in clickup to moco as a time-entry per project.

it would help us immensely

Welcome the community @dandeutsch

Can you confirm that what you need is what Moco calls a planning_entries?

For future reference, Moco can be found at

Hi RicardoE105
many thanks for your reply.
I am checking with the provider Moco if this is the right md and will get back to you shortly


Hi Again
many thanks for the patience.
i checked with Moco they call it [activities]


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Any news on the moco integration?

Hey @Webmasterei,

Welcome to the community :raised_hands:

Nothing yet, It looks like in 3 years there has only been one vote for it.