Notion triggers doesn't show event: Paged Updated in Database as an option

Hello everyone!

I have a question about the Notion Trigger.

The Event dropdown only shows Page Added to Database as an option and I’m wondering if and how I can add the Paged Updated in Database option.

My goal with this workflow would be to set a trigger when a check box is checked in a Notion database.

Pretty sure my Notion trigger setup is working as I already use it for other workflows.

If anybody can help that’d be greatly appreciated!


Hey @Barberg,

Welcome to the community :cake:

What does it say when you hover over the exclamation mark?

Hi @Jon, thanks for the welcome! And thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

Here is a screenshot, it says " Issues - The value “” is not supported!"

Hey @Barberg,

Well that is annoying, I just gave it a quick go on mine and after hitting the cogs and selecting refresh I got what I was after.

What version of n8n are you using?

That’s a good call, the version is 0.136.0. An update probably wouldn’t hurt, let me give it try

@Jon you’re the man! That was the issue, thanks a lot :pray:

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@Barberg that is good to hear, Happy automating :raised_hands: