OpenRouter and DeepSeek LLM sub-nodes not available for self-hosted (community edition)?

Hi! I just updated my self-hosted n8n instance and I still can’t find the OpenRouter or DeepSeek LLM sub-nodes for the AI Agent node. Is that expected? Thanks

It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.

  • n8n version:
  • Database (default: SQLite):
  • n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
  • Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
  • Operating system:

Same thing for me, I am using the cloud 1.76.1 version but both the chat model nodes are not there. Ibeliev i have the latest version on cloud.

Hi. You need to upgrade to 1.7.7 for the new nodes!

I know nothing about the cloud version. However, this may help other newbies like me on self -hosted. It is marked as PRERELEASE in Github, with 1.76.1 as latest stable model. I am referring to locally installed outside docker, for my scenario - not cloud. Might help someone.

npm show n8n dist-tags
{ legacy: ‘0.236.3’, next: ‘1.77.0’, latest: ‘1.76.1’ }

So my “npm update -g n8n” command (I guess that what I used), did not update to prerelease. I ran it 2 days ago. Must be an option to override. Decided I will wait. chatgpt says “npm install -g n8n@next” would include prelease.

Yes, you should use npm install -g n8n@next for the “next” Version, look at: npm | n8n Docs

These two nodes are available on our ‘next’ branch. By default, you’re running on the ‘latest’ branch which is considered more stable.

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Yes, ugrading to 1.77.0 worked indeed! Thanks

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Hello, I run the 1.77.1 version self-hosted (Docker compose) and I’ve got this message for de DeepSeek node : Error fetching options from DeepSeek Chat Model.
My credentials work well.
Same for you ?

I didn’t test the DeepSeek node, only the OpenRouter one (works fine), so I don’t know. Offtopic but: I’m actually struggling to get an api key for DeepSeek, please let me know in DM if you know how to get one. Thanks!

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