Hi! I just updated my self-hosted n8n instance and I still can’t find the OpenRouter or DeepSeek LLM sub-nodes for the AI Agent node. Is that expected? Thanks
It looks like your topic is missing some important information. Could you provide the following if applicable.
- n8n version:
- Database (default: SQLite):
- n8n EXECUTIONS_PROCESS setting (default: own, main):
- Running n8n via (Docker, npm, n8n cloud, desktop app):
- Operating system:
Same thing for me, I am using the cloud 1.76.1 version but both the chat model nodes are not there. Ibeliev i have the latest version on cloud.
Hi. You need to upgrade to 1.7.7 for the new nodes!
I know nothing about the cloud version. However, this may help other newbies like me on self -hosted. It is marked as PRERELEASE in Github, with 1.76.1 as latest stable model. I am referring to locally installed outside docker, for my scenario - not cloud. Might help someone.
npm show n8n dist-tags
{ legacy: ‘0.236.3’, next: ‘1.77.0’, latest: ‘1.76.1’ }
So my “npm update -g n8n” command (I guess that what I used), did not update to prerelease. I ran it 2 days ago. Must be an option to override. Decided I will wait. chatgpt says “npm install -g n8n@next” would include prelease.
Yes, you should use npm install -g n8n@next
for the “next” Version, look at: npm | n8n Docs
These two nodes are available on our ‘next’ branch. By default, you’re running on the ‘latest’ branch which is considered more stable.
Yes, ugrading to 1.77.0 worked indeed! Thanks
Hello, I run the 1.77.1 version self-hosted (Docker compose) and I’ve got this message for de DeepSeek node : Error fetching options from DeepSeek Chat Model.
My credentials work well.
Same for you ?
I didn’t test the DeepSeek node, only the OpenRouter one (works fine), so I don’t know. Offtopic but: I’m actually struggling to get an api key for DeepSeek, please let me know in DM if you know how to get one. Thanks!
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