Please update your documentation. It is way out of date

The tutorials are out of date. The node docs are out of date -not that they were any good to start with without examples. I’m pretty much relegated to Youtube where these Vloggers only give you a cursory explanation just to shill their paid Skool community for better content. Very disappointing for a paid product like this. Sorry, just so tired scouring for answer after answer.

Hey Chris,

Sorry to hear that! We have two people working on documentation full-time, so this is surprising. Can you be more specific and tell us which pages are out of date? That’ll help us review them.


The documentation for each property of a node does little more than simply say what the property is. It is not helpful when the property names are obvious in the UI. The reason I go to the documentation is to better understand how the property affects the behavior of the node, when to use it, how it affects other nodes, considerations for changing property values, provide examples, etc. None of this insight is included in any of the documentation I’ve seen so far. I’m left to just figure out how they all work together through trial and error. Tutorials were quite basic.

…and yes it’s out of date -a lot of it. It needs a comprehensive review and overhaul.


@chris4 :wave: I recently started working on the docs and I agree with you. There is a lot of stuff which has grown out of date and I can assure you we are aware and not happy about it.

I can tell you that we are actively working on it. The docs team has grown and we are actively reviewing and updating the pages section by section, so I hope you are able to see the effect of that work soon. Initially we are concentrating on the high traffic/impact areas such as the tutorials and courses, and the self-hosting sections, but I also agree that 90% of the node pages could be more useful too.

In the meantime if there are specific things that are bothering you, I encourage you to file an issue here which will help us target pain points more effectively.

Perfect documentation is likely unobtainable, but we can certainly do a lot better.