Proper CSS selector to parse HTML content

It’s a reasonable concern, Usage limits  |  Google Docs  |  Google for Developers. That is why I placed Wait node to delay making the requests. Having said that, it is absolutely possible to make only 1 API call. Doing that is depicted below. Another concern, however, is the size of the body (you might potentially have thousands of posts to concatenate). Typically, the body in POST request should not have limit but do check it will work here.

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Oh. I’ve missed the dealy. Weird. I think it even makes more sense at some point. Thanks @ihortom . any what about this:

@ihortom also I finally created the knowledge base of all the categories via tags above the total influencers list, that are likely to always consist of at least one influencer and often at least one post (it doesn’t apparently scrape properly, but it’s enough at the moment). Is there an option for my self hosted n8n community plan to daily check the rest of the categories if they consist of at least one influencer and if yes - replicate the workflow template for this category daily scraping a long creating Google Doc for the possible posts import for this category? I know it’s and advanced task, and I don’t yet know so many basic things, but well, following my interest as always. Thank you!

If I understood you right, by categories you mean those depicted at the top of the page The 100 Best Linkedin Influencers, specifically as in the image below

If so, each “category” (tag / keyword) can be accessed via URL<category> and can be scrapped the very same way we did for influencers. In other words, the updated first half of the workflow could be something like below.

Is that what you are looking for?

@ihortom exactly. correct. and yes, i already built them. it’s just those tags can change (I believe), like new ones to appear instead of quite some that are actually empty. so i there could be a scenario that would watch new tags and if they have at least one influencers in their list - duplicate the scraping scenario for them. However, it’s not critical, so thank you so much for your help. I already have enough of functionality and really appreciate it.

You can acquire the list of categories on the “influencers” page automatically and get only those influencers that have posts under those categories by making slight adjustment to the previous workflow as below.

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Hi there @ihortom . I’ve just discovered, that the solution above wasn’t actually cleaning the doc before pasting new content to it, but appending it to its end. While it’s probably could be fixed, I noticed another issue when the Google Doc is too big, it’s not even possible to get its content to then replace it with empty field (maybe it shouldn’t be empty then?).

Apparently I was able to fix it with this:


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