I have a complex workflow, many nodes branch out to multiple branches to then converge back again. I am now facing a very irritating qwirk or issue:
For Google Drive & Binary Data Downloads I cannot have two nodes (where only one will execute) converge into one node that let’s say uploads a document to google drive irrespective if it comes from one node or the other. The test execution does not fail but returns an empty response and I cannot get any console logs or anything out of it.
Hey @Gotppsn thanks! I already tried this but the issue is that one of the two google drive nodes WILL NOT execute simply because it’s not needed. So even if I specify to always return data it won’t since it will not be executed…
I am running out of ideas and the fact that the console and the app does not throw errors is also a mystery…
Hi there @barn4k,
thanks for your input, there is still something that’s not right, the node get’s executed but it does not return anything in the result tab, I also see no logs, errors, nothing…