RazorPay Integration

I think as of now PayPal is the only payment gateway available in n8n.

But RazorPay is doing a great job and has an awesome customer base.

  • They have awesome API and possibilities are limitless
  • Recurring Payment
  • Different payment methods (Including UPI)

Here are few use cases:

  • We can get the details of order and updated the database values
  • We can send SMS (via Twilio) to user because we have the phone number
  • Get order details and share into Google Sheets

These are the example use cases with the existing nodes.

Here is the API Docs for Reference: API Reference Guide

Hey @mcnaveen - I have a need for Razorpay in a few of my workflows; I currently use webhooks + http request node with the REST API.

I just noticed that they have a nodejs sdk and I would be happy to work on a node in my free time; I am wondering if you have any specific functionality that you would like me to prioritize? I am starting with non-webhook methods first btw

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Nothing Specific bro.

Let me know If I can help in any way. Iā€™m happy to contribute.