Reduce workflow iterations - batch?

Hey @spessex,

As Jan mentioned, if these 1000s of records are processed in a single execution, it will be considered as one execution and not 1000.

When we use the word Execution for workflows, we mean the complete process from the first node to the last node in the workflow.

Let me share a small example that might help you understand this better. Consider a workflow that fetches 1.5k records from Airtable, checks for a condition on all these records, and if the condition is satisfied send them an email. Let’s say out of 1.5k, 1k satisfy the condition. The workflow sends emails to each of these records. All this process took place in a single workflow in a single execution (the workflow was executed only once). Since the workflow is executed only once, we count that execution against the limits. We don’t count the number of records you processed in an execution.

I hope this helps :slight_smile: