Revue by Twitter NODE

It would help if there was a node for: Revue by Twitter(

Revue is an editorial newsletter service for anyone, from aspiring writers to larger publishers, to start and publish a newsletter.

My use case:

use revue to take advantage of new subscribers via Twitter and transfer the subscrivers to another platform( in my case)

Any resources to support this?

Are you willing to work on this?

Of course yes!! Watching some YouTube videos, I was able to interact with the api (HTTP Node request)and get a list of the subscribers but I don’t know how to take just the last one and transfer this information to a spreadsheet or another platform.

Hey @rtavarez,

Thank you for creating this feature request! There is a similar feature request created by a fellow community member - Revue integration. Can you please upvote that request and share your use case there?

To help you with your current workflow, in the HTTP Request node did you try using the Split Into Items option? This will convert the incoming items into the structure that should be followed in n8n. Once you have that structure you can add the values to your spreadsheet or other platforms.

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hi @harshil1712 many thanks for the hint Split Into Items activated do you have a tutorial for the next step to take the data an use with another node. I do apologize for bother i just need some help to understand the process.