Run n8n on stateless containers

Thank you so much @jan appreciate your suggestion.

I was hoping if @ad-si could share to the community on how they’re able to run it on Google Cloud Run even with single instance :slight_smile:

Btw, this community is amazing! I learned a lot from reading… hope to contribute soon.

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Glad to hear that you like the community!

What I mean is that it is simply technically impossible to run it properly on anything like that as it has not been designed for it. It can not work. There will always be issues.

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Btw, I was able to make it work by just using the default PORT=5678
Previously, Google Cloud Run only support PORT=8080, glad now it works even with other ports as well.

I still experience “Connection Lost” but it doesn’t matter at all since all data are saved on Cloud SQL.
or isn’t it? so far I don’t see issue with this… please correct me!

Like HEROKU, the service will just sleep when there is no invocation but with Cloud Run it’s possible to maintain 1 warmed up container that prevent cold start.

The advantage of both CLOUD RUN and HEROKU over VMs is that you can start using N8N with literally $0 even with postgreSQL DB.


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