Serializing items and removing some strings off a value


I’m using the following code to get item wise list of queries.

const serialItems = [];

for (const element of items[0].json) {
  serialItems.push({json: element});

return serialItems;

Is there a way to find and replace some strings in the values of a specific key?

Here’s my small workflow:

mock data and workflow

Is it possible to remove “+” and “-” in “COUNT” key for all the items at the time of running the 2nd node itself?


Any pointers are highly appreciated.

Use the code below in the function node.

const serialItems = [];

for (const element of items[0].json) {
  serialItems.push({json: { COUNT: element.COUNT.replace('+', '').replace('-', '') }});

return serialItems;
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Thank you @RicardoE105!
However, this code removes all keys but “COUNT” from the query. How can I prevent it?

I do not get it. Can you share the output as you want it exactly?

I just realized that I missed out the “key” from my mock data. This is what the output should be:

"COUNT": "11",
"COUNT": "21",
"COUNT": "31",

This is what I get:

"COUNT": "11"
"COUNT": "21"
"COUNT": "31"
const serialItems = [];

for (const element of items[0].json) {
  serialItems.push({json: { ...element, COUNT: element.COUNT.replace('+', '').replace('-', '') }});

return serialItems;
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Thank you! This works.