SFTP Access denied for Uploads - same credentials and path are working in FileZilla


I am using n8n in an Cloudron enviroment. I am running version 0.178.2.

I want to upload a binary from a previous node on an SFTP Server. I am able to connect to this server and I can also perform the list command. But when I try to upload something it says Access denied (but the same credentials and the same path are working in FileZilla).

Error: put: Permission denied /consume
    at fmtError (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2-sftp-client/src/utils.js:55:18)
    at WriteStream.<anonymous> (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2-sftp-client/src/index.js:733:18)
    at Object.onceWrapper (node:events:642:26)
    at WriteStream.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at Object.cb (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/SFTP.js:3715:12)
    at 101 (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/SFTP.js:2708:11)
    at SFTP.push (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/SFTP.js:278:11)
    at CHANNEL_DATA (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:525:23)
    at 94 (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/handlers.misc.js:859:16)
    at Protocol.onPayload (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:2025:10)
    at GenericDecipherBinding.decrypt (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/crypto.js:1418:26)
    at Protocol.parsePacket [as _parse] (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:1994:25)
    at Protocol.parse (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/protocol/Protocol.js:293:16)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/app/code/node_modules/ssh2/lib/client.js:713:21)
    at Socket.emit (node:events:527:28)
    at addChunk (node:internal/streams/readable:315:12)

Any hints on how to tackle the problem?

Try adding the name of file after the directory. e.x: /consume/image.jpg

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Works. Thank you!