Trello-Trigger - Bad Request

Thanks for your quick reply. So, let’s clear the obvious things first:

  • Working on an Oracle ARM server with aaPanel installed (I have other websites and databases there).
  • The NGINX is correctly configured, but I ran in a issue when dealing with webhooks (when I posted through insomnia got a 200 response, but the webpage wouldn’t update) and this post helped, it’s working fine now.
  • I’m running on docker, no errors on the console.
  • My ports are open, so much so that I can access the service through the correct URL and use webhooks.

I know that the idList used is correct because I’ve tested it with the webhook, right above it, when I post to that webhook, it creates a card on the same list I’m trying to listen to:

And the idList is here:

I know it’s a long shot but the only difference from my installation to a new one is that I’m using MariaDB instead of SQLIte, I really can’t think of anything else. How can I get a log of this to see if there is any other information helpful to us that might clear things out?

I was trying to figure this out and I’ve set up an automation rule from within Trello that runs whenever a card is added to that given list. Here are the details:

The webhook is the same one from the Workflow from the first post in this thread.

Here is the log from Trello:

Running command on board TestBoard.

Response from URL

Just a moment...

        Checking if the site connection is secure

                    Enable JavaScript and cookies to continue needs to review the security of your connection before proceeding.

        cvId: '2',
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        cRq: {
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            Ray ID: 754f2b1a4ed86452
The command finished running.

Total operations: 1