Trigger calendar not executed

I try to use the trigger calendar to update my second calendar when a new event is created in my first calendar.
First node : trigger event in my first calendar
Second node : convert format date
Third event : create event in the second calendar

When i make a test in my first calendar (create new event) the second calendar is not updated …

Screenshot from 2022-08-12 11-36-14

Hello @David_Corail,

Sorry for the trouble this is causing.

In the second Calendar node where you are trying to create the event, could you try these expressions on the Start and End date:

Start Date: {{$json["start"]["dateTime"]}}

End Date : {{$json["end"]["dateTime"]}}

Hope this helps with your issue!

Thanks, i try and it’s OK but i have the same problem when i want to update an event .I put in the node to update with “{{$json[“id”]}}” but it’s doesn’t work …
ERROR : “ERROR: The resource you are requesting could not be found”

Where are you fetching the data from? Looks like your node is not receiving any input.

First you need to add a calendar node where you fetch the data using the Get All or Get operation, then you connect this node to the node where you are updating the event. When retrieving data you can specify the event you want to update by adding a query under options.