Tunnel question

Hey @herrT15,

The best option would be to set up a domain and port forwarding to your instance from the outside world. So for my home setup I have a domain registered through Namecheap (other options are available), I then pointed the DNS record for n8n.mydomain.com to my home IP address.

From here I set up my router to point port 443 to a reverse proxy that I use to expose a few services to the outside world and it handles SSL / TLS certificates for me with Lets Encrypt. I then point the URL from my reverse proxy to my n8n instance.

The steps you would take would depend on what you have available but the general theory will always be the same. So in my case just to make things more fun I don’t have a static IP so to get around this I have an n8n workflow that runs every 30 minutes to get my current IP then it updates the DNS record for me so if my IP does change it will sort of fix itself.

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