Unable to restart n8n / Digital Ocean

I think you can just restart n8n server (at the same version you had it running before, ideally), maybe you need to get a server with more RAM if you have such a big database. My database is just below 10MB.

You can try these to see what’s inside your DB:

$ sqlite3 database.sqlite
sqlite> .mode line
sqlite> select name, nodes, connections from workflow_entity limit 3;

This will show nodes and their connections (for 3 workflows). That’s the structure of a workflow as I understand it:

  "meta": {
    "instanceId": "xyz"
  "nodes":  %nodes%,
  "connections": %connections%

But I think it will be better for you just to get the docker container running again. See VACUUM does nothing for the file size of database.sqlite? - #10 by krynble as well. But more importantly, look at the logs.